Well, I definitely can tell I am entering my 2nd trimester. It's funny because I am still in disbelief that there is a little baby growing inside me! That is just so crazy to me. Anyway, I wanted to post an update on how pregnancy has been treating me the past few days or so.
I know I am entering the 2nd trimester because I have more energy. Also, I am not as sick as I was. It seems like I only have 1 bad day a week, which is a huge improvement from what it was. The doctor has explained to me that he does think I will still have nausea and dizziness at times, but "at times" I can deal with.
Last night I went to Walmart with AJ and it felt great! Well, if you saw me I am sure you would think I looked anything but great, but it just felt so nice being out of the house and not at the hospital! I am thankful it is cold outside, yes I said that. If it were cold I would not be able to leave my home because anything warm sets off my pregnancy sickness.
I am just SO thankful to finally be able to do some things by myself. For example; I used to not even be able to stand long enough to wash a bowl to make cereal, where now I have no problem washing it AND making a bowl of cereal. These all seem like small things but they are huge for me and AJ. Oh, and January 5th is when we find out the sex of our baby! I can't wait!
I was thinking. On Monday {I think its Monday} you will be 4 months. Holy smokes!!!